Friday, November 21, 2008


So I got a bright idea after Ms.R left a comment on a of post asking me about hair color.
After answering the question the epiphany came to me.
It´s time that I gave back by giving advice from my profession. I set up a new blog!
Of course you can see the hard skill of walking down a 10 meter stage. stop and walk back.
Ok maybe not that...

13 years of experience has given me serious body image issues insights in tricks of the trade on how to fake looking good naturally.
This is my contribution to the world (make Oprah proud)
Plus it gives me a swaggering excuse to put up pictures of myself.

I will confidently say I know what to wear for what event dates/dinners/jungle safari..

I can also offer the following
*hair tips/make-up/beauty tips. How to style and apply
*Conversation topics to have with your beautician as she is stretching out your vagina lips to wax off all your pubes.
*What shape dress to wear to show off your best asset
*how to get different looks
( the runway look of winter 2009 is White porcelain skin, violet pink lips, cream/shimmery eye shadow in light yellows and skin warming colors, and let your brows grow)

Do feel free to spread the word on this blog as I am just starting, but want to help women and feel this is an area I can actually say I am an expertize...sort of.

Initally this was a blog where I had a mission to post what i wore today everyday. I failed to update after day one, obviously.
But its good to have a place dedicated to all my model beauty tip secrets and discoveries.


alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

congrats on the new blog! i'll be waiting for you to tell me what to buy.

Baking With Plath said...

OMG the beautician part nearly made me spit out my drink. Haha!

Excited about the blog!

Chele said...

yeah, doing a little happy dance around the room.

P said...

This is a really good idea Chele!!!

Anonymous said...

huzzah! I will soon be asking a question for all of us 'fuller figure' ladies out there....